By Bethany r. Lindell

Ready to Travel the Way?

A science-fiction adventure down a long forgotten spacelane!

Felix Cauldwell, formerly of Earth, is too smart for his own good.

Working on the B-class cargo hauler, Helix 7, Felix never noticed the passengers or the crates they transport across the Known Universe, or even the planets they drop them off on. As long as he keeps the ship up and running, he’s left alone to focus on his real work— equations for near-instantaneous travel that would turn hyperspace into the slow lane.

Knowing he isn’t the only one working on such a theory, he sequesters his work in the underbelly of the ship, not even letting his only two friends in the Known, Cor, the ship’s gray-haired Hybridian mechanic, and Tori Addison, their co-pilot and active grad student, inside his workroom.

But locks would never stop a woman like Kla from getting in anyway.

She offers him a job with her employer, Caladry O’Dowell—infamous inventor and owner of tech company Dowell & Stein Industries. She ignores his refusals, rejections, and all-out avoidance of her, determined to have his research. So determined in fact, Cor overhears her threatening to kill Felix if the Helix 7’s captain doesn’t steal his work right out from under him.

With his research burned and the only copy safe inside Felix’s head, he and Cor bolt, starting a chase down the Hybridian Way that Kla is more than happy to finish . . .

Debut Author

Bethany R. Lindell

Bethany read so many books growing up it was inevitable she would try writing a few of her own. Her novel The Hybridian Way won third place in’s Skybound science-fiction contest under the name Cauldwell’s Conundrum. She lives in her native Texas with her family, a large, domesticated zoo and more books then she has shelves for.


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“If there’s a book that you want to read, but it hasn’t been written yet, then you must write it.” 

– Toni Morrison

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