The Girl Gingerbread’s Ghost Story Begins…

Ready for a sneak peak?

The Haunting of Oster Keep is almost done! It just need a pretty editor’s bow on top and ta-da! That’ll be it. So I’m expecting to post the full short story by next Thursday. The cover is Mwu-ah! Beautiful, so please share it with your friends on Pinterest.

Cover of short story The Girl Gingerbread in Cross Roads Market
Cover for short story The Girl Gingerbread and the Haunting of Oster Keep

But who’s ready for a taste right now? 😀

Oster Keep was never quiet, even at midnight. There were guards keeping watch, the snuffle of the dogs as they dreamed. Frost Hawks wheeled outside narrow windows, the murmur of their wings lost within the howling gale that never left the mountains. Only…

     Little Ever Ostergelb stopped before the window cut into the stone of her home, candle in hand. The gale had gone. For the first time in her life, the world outside was chillingly silent, as if even the wind was afraid to utter a sound. Gooseflesh prickled her arms as she realized there was nothing about. The hawks and guards had gone and the dogs huddled in their corners, wide-awake and watching.

     The ghost was out tonight

     Her father did not believe in such things. Souls went to Heaven or Hell when their bodies died, and there was no in between no matter what Great Auntie proclaimed. But even he had noticed the strangeness permeating the Keep. The way the dogs hid at sunset. The whispers of a witching hour. And now little Loli from the kitchens had disappeared.

Cover of short story The Girl Gingerbread in Cross Roads Market

Read the full story before next Thursday and share the cover with your friends so they can be excited for The Girl Gingerbread and the Haunting of Oster Keep. And remember you can catch up with Gingerbread’s first short story Cross Roads Market on Campfire Blaze.


See you next time!

Cover for short story The Girl Gingerbread and the Haunting of Oster Keep

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A land of witches and curses, unicorns and magic. And one stubborn girl who protects humans from what they cannot see. By joining our mailing list, you will get updates of Gingerbread's adventures, including your own free copy of her first short story sent directly to your inbox.

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