
Prismacolor pencils and Lukas watercolors on Bristol paper; completed 4/10/2019


If you’ve followed me on Instagram, you’ve probably heard about my chapter of bookwyrms. They’re sweet little creatures, very small, that thrive on words and like to live in libraries. This one in particular I call Leaflet (for obvious reasons). He’s an energetic little thing. The only way I could get this picture was to wait until he was asleep. Don’t worry. He liked it when I showed it to him after he woke up.


I started with Leaflet himself, inking in my original sketch and then coloring him in with Prismacolor pencils. I indented the veins of his wings with a sharp yellow before overlaying the darker green. Definitely my favorite process I used here. For more about that, check out my ‘Dragon Magic‘ post over on my quest blog. Once I finished the colored pencil, I added the watercolor background with Lukas watercolors, mainly yellow, sap green, blue-green, and ultramarine.